Find a balance with training, diet & recovery
Training is a natural part of a healthy and balanced life. Training and physical activity is great for our health, both when you look at the big and small picture. Most of us know that we need to be active every day, avoiding long periods of sitting still. Also maintaining a good physical form and fitness. Adding to that a healthy diet minimizes the risk of a health related illness.
We need to exercise at least a few times a week in order to improve and reap the benefits. Training is the direct opposite of sitting still, stress and all the other "must" in your everyday life. Training can be your release valve. When you exercise you open your valve and all the daily stress and pressure is released and your body cleaned.
The current recommendations from the American College of Sports Medicine is that you should be active at least 30 minutes every day with an intensity defined as "moderately strenuous".
Chose a training form that you enjoy
No matter what your purpose for training is - exercise to feel good, reach higher wellbeing and perform better. Just the will to be active poses a positive health aspect and is of benefit for both you and society. Choose a form that you enjoy so that your training gets done and you feel happy, stronger and content with yourself. And the chance is that you might get quickly addicted.
When we talk about training we usually mean endurance exercise and strength training. Both have several positive effects on our health and wellbeing.
Big and strong, or just strong?
Strength training obviously makes us stronger. And you can be strong without having big muscles. It's all about how you train that defines how your muscles will look. Regular strength training will besides increase your strength also give greater muscle mass.
You will increase your oxygen absorption and endurance. When you train you will increase muscle mass but also lower your fat deposits. Your insulin tolerance increases, both your blood pressure and blood fats decrease. Training also strengthens your skeleton, improves your balance, movement, mental health and decreases both join and back pains. Also, several scientists have proved that strength training decreases the risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and the risk of osteoporosis with women.
A good and strong body of muscle mass also increases your metabolism. Even the days you don't train. We all need a strong body. but we don't all need to go to a gym and lift heavy weights. Use your shopping bag on the way home from the store or use the weight of your own body. Do several repetitions and become stronger without becoming bigger.
If you want to build volume, go for big weights with fever repetitions. But be careful, it takes long experience, good technique and good mobility in order to be effective. I would definitely recommend to hire a personal trainer for the first couple of times so your training down the road is effective and your reach your goals.
About the author Elisabet
Challengize health tips are written for us Elisabet Pärsdotter Wetstman. Elisabet is a licenced personal trainer, running coach and dietitian. She has a background as a PE teacher and coach from GIH (The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences) and Bosön (IFHS). Elisabet is the founder of plusPT – always outside.